Hosted by CLO and the HU
To Register: Email your team name, team members, and team captain to CLO.
See Rules below image...
Walk to Timbuktu Team Challenge Rules
The challenge runs from January 6-31, 2025.
Teams will walk the distance from the Embassy to the heart of Timbuktu (964 km).
Teams may consist of up to 10 people. Less than 10 is ok.
Individuals may only be the member of one team.
You may add team members at any point during the challenge as long as you do not exceed 10 members.
Team members may divide up the distance between team members however they see fit.
Only distances that are walked on the Embassy compound on the “grounds” areas count.
Distances only count if they are walked during the regular hours of the compound: Monday – Friday between 7am-5:30pm.
Distances only count if they are not part of your regular work duties including walking between buildings for meetings, to lunch, to Embassy events, etc.
The recording of distances is “on your honor”.
Distances can be measured either by using an app such as Map My Walk or by following the pre-determined path.
Total team distances should be reported to CLO (by the team captain) on Mondays for the previous week’s effort.
The first team to walk 964 km is the winner and each team member will receive a medal.
All members of teams who finish the 964 km during the challenge will receive a certificate of completion.
The individual who walks the most km during the challenge will receive special recognition.
Individuals who would like to be considered for this recognition must report their own distances walked each Monday for the previous week’s effort.
Winners will be announced the week of February 3rd.